Project management

Evergreen webinar
We offer a variety of information and management training programs to help you improve your business performance and individual development for growth.

Highly Effective Management and Leadership Skills Webinar for New and Existing Managers.

Evergreen webinar
Management focuses on the effective use of available resources to meet set targets and goals before the deadline.

Effective Strategic Planning and Strategy Execution in post-Covid-19 Pandemic Era.

Evergreen webinar
And it is in this manner we assist you in accomplishing your goals.
About us

Training Firm International

We offer a variety of information and management training programs to help you improve your business performance and individual development for growth.
Our Mission Our Vision

To help your business or organization to become more successful through proper training programs that enhance skills set for both employers and employees

To be a well-known training firm having a sound reputation for high professionalism, ethical standards and public spiritedness.

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Our Services

We provide the necessary services to you

Leadership and Management Training

Corporate Management Training

Consultancy for Training

Management Information Systems

Accounting and Finance

Management, Governance, and Leadership Skills

Information Systems and Records Management

Communication and Presentation Skills

Training Firm International

In Person Training Calendar 2023

10TH FEBRUARY 2023Corporate governance and compliance essentials in the changing world- Board of Directors, CEOs, Senior Management Executives, Regulatory Authorities, Financiers, the Government County Assembly Service BoardSarova Panafric Hotel-NairobiKshs 45,000BOOK
17TH MARCHProject managementProject Managers, Supervisors, and Aspiring ManagersNairobi Parklands Sports ClubKshs 55,000BOOK
17TH APRILChange management that ensure success in an organizationChange Managers, Senior Managers, and Executives; Heads of Departments; Directors, and EntrepreneursNairobi Parklands Sports ClubKshs 55,000BOOK
19TH MAYFundamentals of accounting and financingNairobi Parklands Sports ClubKshs 50,000BOOK
15TH JUNEProper presentation and communication skillsNairobi Parklands Sports ClubKshs 55,000BOOK
14TH JULYFraud detection and prevention techniques. Forensic audit for organization growthRegulatory Authorities Accounting Managers, Senior, and Chief Accountants, Analysts, Internal and External Auditors, and Accountants at all levels seeking to enhance their practical forensic accounting skillsNairobi Parklands Sports ClubKshs 45,000BOOK
25TH AUGUSTEnterprise risk management and implementation frameworkManagers Professionals, Consultants, Internal and External Auditor.Enashipae Resort and Spa NaivashaKshs 70,000BOOK
15TH SEPTEMBERAsset management solutions for organizational visibility and controlAsset owners, Asset Managers, Technical Managers, Maintenance Managers, Consultants, Regulators, and Policymakers.Enashipae Resort and Spa NaivashaKshs 55,000BOOK
13TH OCTOBEREnsuring work life balance for organizational growthManagers head of the Department.Panari Resort-NyahururuKshs 65,000BOOK
17TH NOVEMBERHow women can develop a powerful personal brand and business essentials for womenBrand Managers, Marketing and Sales ManagersPanari Resort-NyahururuKshs 60,000BOOK
8TH DECEMBERCultivating a meaningful and productive mentor-mentee relationshipDepartmental heads, Senior Managers, Managers, and Team leaders.Sarova Panafric Hotel-NairobiKshs 65,000BOOK
Training Firm International

Webinars 2023

Essentials of procurement and supply chain managementCEOS, General Managers, Chief Operating Officers, Accountants, Sales Managers, Knowledge Managers, Communication Managers, Procurement and supply chain professionals, Board members, management staff, budgeting officers marketing managers and management committee members.$169BOOK
Fundamentals of Management Information Systems and RecordsCEOS, General Managers, Chief Operating Officers, ICT Professionals Accountants, Sales Managers, Knowledge Managers, Communication Managers, Board members, management staff, budgeting officers marketing managers and management committee members.$169BOOK
Tips of proper communication, business writing, minute taking and presentation skillsCEOS, Communication managers, General Managers, Chief Operating Officers, Company Secretaries, Accountants, Sales Managers, Knowledge Managers, Procurement and supply chain professionals, Board members, management staff, budgeting officers marketing managers and management committee members.$169BOOK
Managing effectiveness in an organizationCEOS, General Managers, Chief Operating Officers, Company Secretaries, Accountants, Sales Managers, Knowledge Managers, Communication Managers, Procurement and supply chain professionals, Board members, management staff, budgeting officers marketing managers and management committee members.$169BOOK
Proper performance management strategiesCEOS, General Managers, Chief Operating Officers, Company Secretaries, Accountants, Sales Managers, Knowledge Managers, Communication Managers, Procurement and supply chain professionals, Board members, management staff, budgeting officers marketing managers and management committee members.$169BOOK
Importance of effective strategic management, planning and executionCEOS, Strategic managers, General Managers, Chief Operating Officers, Company Secretaries, Accountants, Sales Managers, Knowledge Managers, Communication Managers, Procurement and supply chain professionals, Board members, management staff, budgeting officers marketing managers and management committee members.$169BOOK
Leadership for individual contributorsCEOS, General Managers, Chief Operating Officers, Company Secretaries, Accountants, Sales Managers, Knowledge Managers, Communication Managers, Procurement and supply chain professionals, Board members, management staff, budgeting officers marketing managers and management committee members.$169BOOK
Managing risks and fundamentals of proper risk managementCEOS, Accountants, Finance Officers General Managers, Chief Operating Officers, Company Secretaries, Knowledge Managers Board members, management staff, budgeting officers marketing managers and management committee members.$169BOOK
Motivation, rewarding of employees and employee engagementCEOS, General Managers, Chief Operating Officers, Company Secretaries, Accountants, Sales Managers, Knowledge Managers, Communication Managers, Procurement and supply chain professionals, Board members, management staff, budgeting officers marketing managers and management committee members.$169BOOK
Ensuring work- life balanceCEOS, General Managers, Chief Operating Officers, Company Secretaries, Accountants, Sales Managers, Knowledge Managers, Communication Managers, Procurement and supply chain professionals, Board members, management staff, budgeting officers marketing managers and management committee members.$169BOOK
How to be resilient to workplace stressCEOS, General Managers, Chief Operating Officers, Company Secretaries, Accountants, Sales Managers, Knowledge Managers, Communication Managers, Procurement and supply chain professionals, Board members, management staff, budgeting officers marketing managers and management committee members.$169BOOK
Leading virtual teams and achieving success through motivated peopleCEOS, General Managers, Chief Operating Officers, Company Secretaries, Accountants, Sales Managers, Knowledge Managers, Communication Managers, Procurement and supply chain professionals, Board members, management staff, budgeting officers marketing managers and management committee members.$169BOOK

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