Communication and Presentation Skills

communication skills

Communication skills training will be beneficial to your employees. The goal of communication skills training is to help you become more proficient in communicating with others inside your company and to help you acquire new abilities in this area as well.

They will be able to overcome the typical barriers to successful communication. This training teaches skills like building rapport, speaking with authority, and nonverbal cues.

You will learn how to articulate your thoughts in a way that is clear, compelling, and motivating. Additionally, it involves developing your capacity to comprehend individuals more completely.

This training will give you the skills needed to settle disagreements as soon as they arise through communication.

5 basics of communication skills

Written communication

Oral communication

Contextual communication

Nonverbal or visual communication

Active listening

Body language basics in communication 

Nonverbal communication cues that express amicability, likeability, and inclusivity as part of presentation skills include: –

  • Slightly blocking your head to get them to talk more
  • Using posture and body movement
  • Keep an eye out for contradictions
  • Making eye contact with others when speaking
  • Nodding your head in agreement when someone speaks
  • The human face is very expressive, able to send a wide range of emotions using words
  • Palms open in greeting
  • Slightly angling forward

Why is body language important for managers?

A manager’s body language can portray a lot to team members. It can have an impact on their communication, performance, and behavior.

A manager’s interactions with lower-level employees have a varying power dynamic. This is when it is compared with an interviewee’s interactions with an interviewer. This is the reason why body language is very crucial.

1. Looking confident

You might be wondering how to look confident.

Ensure that your posture is confident and have body language that shows confidence. You can use the following tips to achieve the same: –

  • Maintain a confident stance
  • Having an authoritative posture gives you a more grounded and balanced appearance
  • When standing, keep your feet well-planted on the ground, shoulder-width apart
  • You can also distribute your weight across both legs. Slant your feet outward and in the direction of the person speaking. This shows you are listening to the thoughts and opinions of the person you are chatting with

Pachter says, “This is a confident position. You may stand tall, no matter your height, and you are free with the person you are speaking to. It is a stance that portrays confidence, not uncertainty.

Think of a string that is raising your head upward into the sky. Your shoulders, hips, and the center of the ankles should all be in a straight line starting at the top of your head.

Avoid adopting a submissive position like crossing your knees or folding your hands.

Make sure your posture is upright when sitting in a chair for work. Keep your feet firm on the floor, your back upright, and your back towards the chair’s back. You should stand up straight in this position without having to bend forward.

This sitting position puts a little amount of strain on the muscles for support. This prevents neck and back pain and helps build a strong core. These benefits will improve your posture when standing, causing less pain.

2. Adopt power pose

You need to have faith that you have confidence and should get the opportunity. This should happen when you have a big presentation or are meeting important people. Teaching yourself confidence and fighting self-doubt can start with five minutes of different power poses.

Open body positions help you take up space and send signals to the brain that you’re feeling confident. Consequently, the brain produces more testosterone and lowers your cortisol levels. That will make you feel relaxed, and it increases your confidence.

3. Take note of your face

body language

What message are you passing with the expressions on your face in social situations? Your nonverbal communication cues may send the wrong message if you crease your brows or squint your eyes.

When you meet new individuals, try to reduce tension in your muscles and smile more. This will make you feel better and more a part of the group.

4. Observe your hands

We all understand the importance of a firm handshake, but your hands have much more to offer than only a “hello”. They may enrich your spoken words, open up a discourse, and show respect.

During a presentation, point with an open hand while the palm faces up at the content presented. This can influence others by demonstrating acceptance, openness, cooperation, and dependability.

5. Avert twitching

When you feel nervous, you could hold coins in your pocket, stamp your foot or fiddle with your hair. When trying to convey confidence, fidgeting is counterproductive. These gestures may be misinterpreted as anxiousness, annoyance, or boredom. They detract from the point you’re making and keep people from knowing you.

Be keen on the factors that cause these behaviors so that you can switch to better ones. If you play with your hair, for instance, think about combing it away from your face and out of your fingers’ reach. Make sure you don’t have any coins in your pockets or that you are wearing.

6. Keep your eyes in contact

Maintaining acceptable eye contact shows that you’re trustworthy, friendly, and self-assured. People will see that you are giving them your complete attention.

Ensure your eye contact is appropriate and not too aggressive. This is because you might make others uncomfortable.

7. Take after the body language of others

Mirroring others’ gestures, postures, vocal characteristics, and mannerisms is a powerful technique. It establishes a connection with them immediately. These inconspicuous actions show that you’re interested in their business. They also show that you want to get to know them better.

Consider sitting in a position that is comparable to how someone is seated, for instance. You could wish to use hand gestures similar to what they do when they speak if they do this often. If they have a tendency to speak in a slow manner, attempt to speak at a similar volume and pace.

Secrets of successful public speaking and communication

The presentation should be a short occurrence. Speech length is measured in minutes, and speeches are getting shorter and shorter. Minutes are crucial, so you should always return a few to the audience. Be aware that you will survive if your speech does not go.

You can’t give speeches in your head. You can write down points that will help you remember what you need to say.

Good public speaking is all about timing. Use your seconds in a wise manner.

Don’t only fill your speech with words, ensure you use pauses, gestures, and silence as well.

Slow down at intervals to enable your audience to take in what you have already said.

Your most important job as a speaker is to find your voice.

You’ll learn more from audiences that don’t love you than audiences that love you. Appreciate negativity and work on your weaknesses.

How to communicate a message with authority and confidence

  • Take ownership of the room
  • Get to the point
  • Replace “um” with stronger filler words
  • Don’t overcomplicate it
  • Don’t swear
  • Tell a story
  • Stand like a champion
  • Tailor your message to the audience

How to communicate with diplomacy tact and credibility

  • Determine the appropriate time
  • Choose your words carefully
  • Use the strategies below to communicate with tact
  • Create the right environment and think before you speak
  • Watch your body language
  • Never react emotionally
  • Giving feedback
  • Letting team members go

Presentation Skills Training

presentation skills

Mastering presentation skills is a crucial asset in today’s professional world, where effective communication can make or break opportunities. From boardroom meetings to public speaking engagements, the ability to convey ideas clearly and persuasively is a valuable skill.

Presentation skills are the secret sauce that transforms your ideas into captivating stories. It’s the ability to communicate effectively, persuade, and inspire others through verbal and non-verbal cues.

Structuring your presentation

Think of your presentation like a delicious sandwich, you need a solid foundation, juicy fillings, and a mouthwatering ending.

Introduction – setting the stage

The introduction sets the tone for your presentation. It’s your chance to grab your audience’s attention, establish rapport, and outline what they can expect.

Main body – organizing your content

The main body language is where the magic happens. Organize your content logically, use visual aids effectively, and keep your audience engaged with compelling storytelling.

Conclusion – closing strong

Finish your presentation with a bang, not a whimper. Summarize key points, give a powerful call to action, and leave your audience buzzing with excitement.

Benefits of presentation skills

Effective presentation skills are essential for both your personal and professional lives.

The following are some advantages that frequently come with honing your presenting skills:

  • Improved abilities in both written and spoken communication
  • Boosted self-esteem and confidence
  • Enhanced capacity for critical analysis and problem-solving skills
  • Improved methods of motivation
  • Better ability for leadership
  • Increased creativity, negotiating, and time management